Wellness night
Pekka Hyysalo as guest speaker for the Wellness Night
Wellness Night
Wellness Night 22.11. @KitinVapari
Pekka Hyysalo, who has inspired people throughout Finland, will be speaking at Kannus’ Wellness Night about his journey of recovery after a serious accident.
”After my serious accident in 2010, I faced a difficult choice—either give up or fight my way back. I chose to fight. In 2013, I founded FightBack, wanting to help others who had suffered head injuries. FightBack grew into a brand that conveys hope, positive thinking, willpower, and perseverance in all kinds of life situations.” – Pekka Hyysalo – fightback.fi.
Pekka will begin his talk at 6:00 PM in the KitinVapari hall. After the talk, the audience will have the opportunity to take photos with Pekka. Come be inspired by Pekka’s empowering speech! The event is free of charge.
Wellness Night
Program for the evening
Wellness Fair 5:00 PM–8:00 PM
The Wellness Night kicks off with a fair featuring over 40 exhibitors. The fair offers home baked products, handicrafts, wellness entrepreneurs, and associations sharing information about their work.
Pekka Hyysalo 6:00 PM
Pekka Hyysalo will give a lecture and take selfies with the audience.
Dance 8:30 PM–10:00 PM
The night continues with a dance party, where the popular Amorin Nuolet band will have everyone grooving. If you’ve felt the urge to dance or just want to enjoy some great music, this is the time! Tickets: €4.
Wellness Night
The exhibitors at the wellness fair
- Hermoratahieroja Anna Ylikarjula
- Jalkatupa
- FysioSportti-X
- Luontaishoitola Rento & Virkeä
- Armi Rantanikunen Finnlite, Teikkutar, Hopeapuro
- Taidekäsitöitä Sirpa Salmu
- Kannuksen kaupungin hyvinvointipalvelut
- Anidatten
- Lestijoen Latu ry
- Fresh-Koti Oy
- Kannuksen Martat
- Kannuksen Korvenkävijät Ry
- Karhun kotileipomo
- Hoivakunnas
- HyvänOte
- Veikon Kone
- Andrus Uppin
- Mello Ry
- Green Care Hoivamaatila HyväHetki
- Värien Helminauha
- Meijän Puoti Oy
- Kannuksen URA
- Kepli Ry
- Kannuksen kuntoliikkujat Ry
- Agni Hyvinvointi
- Hoitotupa Heleä
- Kannuksen SRK
- Kynsistudio Irene
- Kaverini
- Hierontapalvelu Seppo Junkala
- Hunajaa Kälviän Peitsolta
- Lesti-Hunter Oy
- Niemi-Erkkilän Lammastila
- Torpan Ratsutalli
- Edli
- Hanmari
- Vierellä kotihoito
- Usvakosken tila
- Itselle Oy
- Takalo-Raasakan vanhempainyhdistys ry
Wellness Night
The Wellness Night will take place in the large hall at KitinVapari.
There is free parking available in the KitinVapari parking area.